Friday, 22 August 2014

Triple Jump IAAF World Championships Beijing 2015

Every two year the IAAF organizes the word athletics championships. Next year Beijing shall have the privilege of hosting the game.  Many athletes will have the opportunity to compete in this important event. I know that for some athletes it is hard to make the limit to compete there, but I think it is not impossible.
An elite athlete has a training program made for 4 years, but every year you have many competitions in a row, for example, the diamond league, Grand prix, world championships etc.  Every four years you have the Olympics; and although this is one of the most important competitions for most athletes, there are athletes who only train for world championships, because of the possibility of lucrative financial reward.

With the new Preparation Season starting in September/October, athletes have the chance to prepare in the best possible way, in order to increase their chances of making the limit and participating in the next World Championship –How is this best done?

Remember: “The organization and planning of a good training program leads to  the success of a good outcome”

-          Analyze the results of this year, for example; Speed, distance achieved in each competition, technique, coordination and rhythm, together with reaction between jumps.
-          Analyze the causes of the success and the causes of poor performance, for example the psychological factors, injuries and health of the athlete.
-          Within the psychological factor it’s very important to analyze problems that blocked the athlete to achieve a better result, such as financial problems, poor support by the Federation, lack of a sponsor, etc. It’s important, however  to  be reminded that money, sponsor, and support do not ultimately have to  be a brake on the development of the athlete- with the right motivation, hard training and perseverance, you can make the decision whether to become an elite or not .
-          The most important thing is to analyze over the past year, is the quality of the motivation and competitive nature of the athlete.

After having made ​​a profound analysis of the athlete, and finding ​​the conclusions how the athlete has to work to achieve a good result, then they can begin with the preparation phase.

Note:  Triple jumpers have to work very hard to achieve every inch. When an athlete reaches 29 or 30 years old and has already past the 16.50/16.80m barrier but has not yet reached the 17 m+, the training program must be different. I mean the athlete has to work harder on the basis of quality rather than quantity. The athlete should only be working on Quantity, when e.g. he has a problem with technique or rhythm, and has to fight to achieve progress.
 According to my experience working 20 year as a professional coach, I can tell you, that most of the top triple jumpers, start achieving the results from the 29 or 30 years. Only the Cuban triple jumpers, and with some exceptions in Europe, are getting better results from the age of 16-19 years old. Why? The training system of the Cubans is very strong and special, no one in the world, with all respect to the other countries, has as perfect a training system as the Cuban one.
Also I can tell you, if you are 29 or 30+ years old, that your age is not a detriment your progress- in fact this is the age i when your physical constitution is more developed and the bones are even stronger and of course your body is more mature and with more experience. For some athletes,29-30 years old is just the beginning .I know that there is a lot of opinion against that, but my experience tells me something different,  so  it  is up to you to use your determination and try to achieve your goal.

It is very important for a triple jumper to strengthen the ankles, knees and core. Also important is working on endurance and weight, in combination with special plyometric exercises for triple jumpers.
Below I  give an example of a 1 week training programme, but remember, each athlete is different, and the coach is the only one who can say what each individual athlete can or cannot do .
Note: When we build a training program as a coach, it is very important to know,
 the health, weight, physical condition and character of the athlete.

The preparation phase is the most important part that the athletes go thru during the training year,  so it is very important that the athlete completes at least 90% of each workout.

Example first week October;

Monday -45/50min jogging after beach volleyball or basketball game.

Tuesday -train on the beach; special plyometric exercise for triple jump.  Work for power reaction and distance. Specific Weight Training. I want to clarify here that it’s not always necessary to increase the weight each month just to get stronger, but instead use the necessary weight that your body needs to put everything in balance. This, used together with the correct technique, will lead to increase athlete's progress. For example, many athletes do almost 200kg squat, yet are not able to reach 16.50m.
Wednesday; If you train in a double session, you can work like this;
 morning session: 50mins/1 hour jogging (try running on sand or grass)
 afternoon session: –weights or special weights for triple jumps. Note; every weight exercise must be accompanied with jumps plyometric afterwards.

Thursday; it is very important for a triple jumper to work on power, time,  space and distance, but to improve these, you have to know how to push the track between the jumps to be able to maintain the speed.This will give you the necessary distance to reach  16.50 to 17m+ for men or 14.30 to 14.95m for women.
-100m uphill for power and downhill for speed.
-Quality combination jumps uphill for power and downhill for time and space. You can work with resistance and weight depending on what the athlete needs.

Friday; 1hour jogging. Special circuit weight for jumper. Core stability, etc.

Saturday- special exercises to strengthen your ankles and knees, along with exercises to increase explosiveness and reaction.

Sunday; rest

This program is for athletes that  have already jumped over  15.80/16.20m. If you jump between 14/15.00m you still have to work really hard with the special base, such as fiber exercises for reaction, special work with hurdles for coordination and rhythm etc. (Note: exercises with hurdles- everybody, elite athlete or not ,has to keep working on these exercises, it but for the young athletes, it is especially important to keep this training all the time in their program).

When you train to be a professional athlete, your program has to be made to increase the development of the athlete each month. According to the quality of athlete, perhaps he has to work harder in the sand or on the grass, or has to work more with resistance and speed than other athletes, so it is very important that coaches maintain a strict look at the development of each training.  

Note, triple jumpers have to have a strong core, I mean your coach has to prepare a good training program which must include core stability exercise at least 4 times a week.

 Remember this program is to give you an idea of what you can do, not to take it as part of your program.  


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