Tuesday, 30 July 2013

The best way to achieve the step

There are many ways to train the step and as I've always said it depends on the athlete biotype, their physical, and especially the quality level. There are three very important things in the triple jump which are very essential to take an athlete from 16m to 17m +. These three things are coordination, sense of rhythm and speed between jumps. Definitely there are other things that are also important to get results, but these three in my view are essential for proper development of the jumpers.
A jumper can often jump up to 16m, despite having difficulty with the rhythm, speed or coordination. (When I talk about speed I'm talking about the speed between jumps) Mostly this is because many athletes use the running speed as the most essential to achieve the distance. From one point of view this is not bad, but the triple jump is a discipline where everything must be in balance.
There are two types of triple jumpers, the speed jumper, and the power jumper. The Power Jumper is physically strong with personal record in the 100m from approximately 10.20 -10.50m/s and typically, they jump from 7.20 - 7.30m in the long jump. These athletes generally use the speed of the approach to power their jump, but the technique between jumps is mostly bad.  The result of poor technique generally brings injuries that in many cases can be serious.
 The Speed ​​Jumper, also uses the speed of the approach and although the technique is not good, they  are able to maintain good speed between jumps and generally almost always reaches  the 16m sooner  than  the  power jumper. One of the good reasons why the speed jumper can better the power jumper at a distance of 16m, is because they are able to keep the body light during jumps.
 Moving from 16m to 17m + is a job where the athlete needs to have a good sense of rhythm, coordination and be prepared to maintain speed between jumps. Many times there are athletes with a very good technique and have almost all the qualities to jump over 17m, but they are still not able to jump over 16.50m. When an athlete is in this situation, he urgently needs to analyze the following;
- The system and training programs,
- Motivation.
- Emotional control.
- Responsiveness (external feedback)
- Analytical (internal feedback)
- Concentration.
- Confidence.

There are also many athletes that don`t rest for the hours necessary to recover his body for the next day's workout. There are athletes who drink alcohol at least three times a week, or even a day, or who go partying before a major competition , thinking that their body is adapted to these stresses to the system, but what they don` t know is, that they are stopping the development of their physical ability and destroying their special talent. Such lifestyle patterns can be a major block to an athlete reaching the distance of the 17m.

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