Thursday, 19 October 2017

Flexibility & Core

 The old season is the phase when the athlete has to prepare strongly physically and mentally, and it is the stage which the training programs have to be perfectly organized for the athletes. In recent months I have been conducting an investigation on how to carry out a training program that develops a better result for the athlete. To achieve my goal I did an investigation in different countries and at the same time analyzed many training programmes of  some top, and ex top athletes in long and triple jump.

I found that each one of them has different training plans, but the exercises are the same, and most of them work with exercises such as these:

Hip stability,
Explosive power
Muscular and Cardio vascular endurance 
Explosive hip recruitment
Dynamic flexibility
Foot speed

Now, when it comes to working flexibility, it surprised me that most of the athletes and also some coaches think that working flexibility removes explosiveness for jumps. I really don`t understand where that came from, because the effects of poor flexibility will cause a decrease in athletic performance. In order to perform optimally, the body must function correctly. Proper function begins with a comprehensive flexibility program. Flexibility training is beneficial for many reasons including:
Helping to correct muscle imbalances
-          Increasing the range of motion of joints
-          Decreasing excessive muscle tension caused by shortened muscles
-          Relieving stress placed on joints caused altered muscle length
-          Improving the health of the musculotendinous junction
-          Helping to maintain normal functional length of muscles
-          Improving the efficiency of the neuromuscular system
-          Improving overall bodily function
Every Coach knows what an athlete has to have to be a good triple jumper, for example coordination, rhythm, balance, sense of time and space and explosive reaction.  When an athlete is flexible, it is even easier to work plyometrics exercises, but also do more fluently the special gymnastic exercises for triple jump.  

The other thing that surprised me, when have work on core stability, everyone does the same exercises and many of them think that Core is only to perform abdominal exercises and work with medicinal balls.
If we look at the posture which a triple jumper has to maintain during jumps, the position of the hip, the coordination that  he has to have between the arms and legs, and not forgetting the  impact that the legs have to absorb on each jump, it is crazy to think that just sit-ups, and work with medicine ball will develop the results of the jumper. There are many special Core exercises for triple jumpers, but it is a shame to see the lack of inventiveness of some coaches to create specific exercises for each of the athletes.

It is a pity to see many jumpers  training very hard, but with poor competition results, and  also to see how many times athletes try to copy exercises from other athletes, thinking that it is going to be perfect for them. When an athlete gets to the level that he has to look to strangers  for help ,this must  mean that there is something wrong between him and his coach. They should try to analyze with their coach what is going on, and try to find a solution which, instead of worsening the situation, bring progress in the results of the athlete