Sunday, 16 October 2016

The Fundamental Preparation Phase of Triple and Long Jump.

How do you improve your jump by 1 centimeter every year? I know it's difficult to achieve this goal, but it is possible, and I can prove that.  Everything is a matter of discipline, patience and perseverance, the only problem is, no matter how much talent you have, if you as an athlete have never worked on the fundamental basis of triple jump, it will be very difficult to achieve good results.
What is the fundamental basis of Triple jump?  It is the foundation that gives us a sense of rhythm, coordination, speed control, the sense of reaction on the ground at the moment of takeoff and landing, and the power to recognize the time and space between jumps.
The importance of this technique is such, that the athlete always has to work with it jump throughout the whole year -even an athlete who is only beginning to specialize in triple jump, or a professional athlete. When a coach is able to make a good training program and emphasize this type of foundation in all its training phases, work with the athlete will be easier and of an even higher quality. You will also be able to have a better observation of the athlete’s development.
The beginning of the Basis of General Physical Preparation normally start in October, but many countries have different systems of  working  with it; for example some countries  begin in October  and others begin in November. For me the perfect month to start is in October, as indoor competitions begin in December, and it is the perfect time to develop speed and the technique, even when the athlete is overloaded.  
 Many athletes just focuses on indoor competitions and at the same time they want to have better results outdoor. This way is not a problem in itself, but many coaches, without thinking of the consequences, change the training system and they focus only on getting better results in indoor competitions and then forget the consequences that this can bring for the athlete later.  What they are doing is lowering the intensity in the phase of preparation. This means that they have to increase the intensity of workouts after indoor competitions, with the result that the athlete stays overloaded for outdoor competitions, and you don`t need to be  to be a specialist  to see that the consequences will be poor results .
Working on the basis of preparation and improvement of the triple jump or long jump,   is something that you as a coach can never underestimate.  
Also, working with this fundamental stage of development of triple jump , will give the advantage to the athlete of  developing each year, and of course increasing his distance by 1 centimeter every year.